Smart Home Door Locks keep your Home Secure, with No Keys Required.

Home Security · Jan 21, 2021

Keep It Keyless & Secure With Smart Locks

Smart door locks
are a convenient and keyless option for making sure your home stays safe and secure.
Installing, connecting and using smart locks might be one of the smartest decisions you’ll make all season. Whether you choose to unlock your door using a secure 4-digit code or through the SmartHome app, smart locks are completely keyless. Canadian weather can be unforgiving at times, but with a smart lock system at least you won’t be fumbling for your keys on a dark and cold winter night.

Secure 4-digit user codes

One of the benefits of smart door locks is the ability to control personalized 4-digit codes for your unique situation. Whether it’s a code for each of your kids, an in-law visiting for the weekend, a dog walker, or even a neighbour coming over to water the plants, the codes allow you to control who gets in and out. Another convenient feature is the ability to set an expiry date so a code stops working when you say so. The control and safety is always with you.

Lock and unlocking your home remotely

How many times have you left the house and gone a few blocks before wondering if you remembered to lock the door? Be honest, it happens. But with a smart lock, you just need to open up the
SmartHome App
on your phone to be absolutely sure. Smart locks wirelessly connect to your smartphone allowing you to lock and unlock your front door from anywhere. This way you can stop worrying if you’ve remembered to lock the door, and you can keep tabs on who is coming and going.

Knock Knock. Who’s There?

Smart locks aren’t standalone devices either, as they pair extremely well with something like a
doorbell camera
When connected with the SmartHome app, you can see who’s at your front door and unlock it right from your phone. So, if someone needs to come in to water your plants while you’re away, you can see when they arrive, let them in and even lock the door behind them without having to be home.

One big happy smart device family

Smart locks are a great addition to a family of smart products designed to keep your home safe and secure. With the SmartHome app, you can connect and control other security features from the convenience of your phone. You can turn lights on and off with
smart light plugs
, control your home’s heat with a
smart thermostat
and even open and close your
garage door
. And you can control it all from your phone.
Learn more about
TELUS Smarthome Security
and our line of
smart home products

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