Policies and disclosures
This section will help you better understand our various policies and legal disclosures, and our commitment to customers.
User terms
By accessing this TELUS web site you agree to be bound by the terms outlined in this section.

TELUS code of ethics and conduct
TELUS is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical professional conduct.
TELUS anti-bribery and corruption policy
TELUS is committed to integrity in business and has a zero tolerance for bribery and corruption.

Environmental responsibility
TELUS is committed to being an environmental leader. Learn about our environmental policy, which applies to our entire organization, including operations, facilities, products and services, distribution and logistics, waste management, suppliers and key business partners, and due diligence.

Quality of service
Access our Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) mandated quarterly reports.
Building access agreements
Find information about TELUS building access agreements.

Network interface disclosures
For telecommunications industry professionals, find TELUS Network Interface Disclosure information, documentation, and contacts.
Local service rates
View our residence exchange local line rates and connection charges for both Alberta and British Columbia.

Tax strategy
TELUS applies high ethical standards at all times in dealing with Taxation matters.
Customer code of conduct
TELUS is committed to providing a safe and respectful work environment for all employees in our retail stores that is free from any abusive behaviours.

Respectful workplace policy
TELUS has a longstanding commitment to creating an inclusive workplace and leveraging the diversity of thought that exists within our teams with the goal of fostering a global sense of belonging at work.
Health & Safety Policy
TELUS is committed to the protection of team member health and safety, supporting our goal to create a best-in-class workplace and be a leader in corporate social responsibility.

Supplier related policies
In partnership with our suppliers, TELUS Procurement provides value to our customers by delivering stellar products and services. Learn about becoming a supplier, the TELUS Supplier Code of Conduct (SCOC), and our Supplier Diversity Program.
BC Electronic Equipment Stewardship Plan
TELUS developed its own BC Electronic Equipment Stewardship Plan in order to adhere to the requirements under the Environmental Management Act.

Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act Statement
Access TELUS' annual statement prepared pursuant to the Canadian Fighting against Forced Labour and Child Labour in the Supply Chains Act.