4 Tips to Help Reduce Smart Home Security False Alarms

Home Security · Nov 19, 2020

4 Tips To Help Reduce False Alarms

False alarms can be stressful and expensive, but don’t be alarmed... We’re here to help.

False alarms are no fun for anyone. The worry of a hefty fine can be stressful and they put unnecessary pressure on emergency responders. Whether it’s a false fire alarm or a pet accidentally sets off a motion sensor when you’re not home, these frustrating false alarms are a reality sometimes.

Unfortunately, false alarms can’t be completely eliminated. However, we’ve put together four helpful hints to help you reduce the chances of a false alarm occurring in your home.

Tip #1: Know your system

Anyone with access to your property should have a password or PIN number and be familiar with your alarm procedure. For example, be sure to explain to your babysitter or housekeeper how to properly arm and disarm the system. In the case of it accidentally going off, there are more people with the ability to cancel the alarm and they will know how to avoid setting it off in the first place.

Tip #2: Consider those four-legged friends

To be effective, motion detection sensors need to be sensitive, so if your pet jumps onto the furniture, they could trigger a false alarm. One way to reduce these false alarms from occurring is to position your motion detectors away from furniture or places where pets can climb up. Another option to consider is a motion sensor that’s designed to be
pet-immune up to a certain weight

Tip #3: Consider unplanned movement when placing motion detectors

Sometimes false alarms can be caused by unseen forces. No, we’re not talking about ghosts, but a strong gust of wind through an open window is a common cause for falsely setting off motion detector alarms. Things like moving curtains and plants can easily trigger a false alarm. So, take the placement of your motion detectors into consideration and keep them away from air vents, sources of heat, fireplaces and windows. When you set your alarm to leave your home, ensure that all your doors and windows are tightly shut.

Tip #4: Regularly check your batteries

Did you know low battery voltage is the second most common cause of accidental alarms? Smoke, motion, carbon monoxide and flood sensors are all powered by batteries. To ensure your smart home security system is running properly, check to make sure the batteries are the correct voltage and charged up. Look for the visual indicator, which is on most alarm systems, that lets you know when it’s time to charge or replace your batteries.

Whether it’s a false home security alarm, a false smoke alarm or even a false carbon monoxide alarm, accidental false alarms are a possibility. But if we regularly check our security systems, the placement of our sensors and know the alarm procedures well, we can help reduce the stress and the amount of fines that come with them.

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