Summer is also the season for break-ins!

Home Security · Jul 5, 2022

Our tips to prevent them

Hurrah, it’s breaking and entering season! Said no one ever. Did you know that there’s a 32% increase in break-ins in the summer? But don’t panic! Don’t cancel your travel plans. Here are a few tips to help you outwit burglars and enjoy your vacation with peace of mind.

Dear Burglars, there’s no one home

Have you ever looked at your neighbour’s home and thought, “Huh, they must be on vacation”? That’s because you picked up on certain clues that gave it away. These are the same clues that criminals look for. So ask a neighbour to collect your mail. Even better, if you have a
smart lock
smart garage door opener
, you can assign a temporary code to someone to let them come in and water your plants! No need to leave a key under the doormat or in the flowerpot by the door – obvious areas that burglars are sure to check. That’s right, your secret hiding spot isn’t that secret! Get someone to mow your lawn – an overgrown lawn is a sure sign that no one’s around to maintain it. And take it easy on social media. Posting those pictures of your dream vacation in Bali while you’re still there isn’t the greatest idea. Wait until you’re home to post a full album of your trip and make your friends green with envy.

A ghost in the house

With an app like TELUS SmartHome Security, you can program a daily routine called a “
” to create the illusion of activity in your home while you’re gone. With just one touch, you can activate your “Vacation” scene, which could look something like this: the
smart lights
in the living room and around the home turn on around 8 p.m., and the radio plugged into a
smart plug
starts playing. Around bedtime, the devices turn off, and on comes the TV and some
subdued lighting
in your bedroom, and a while later everything turns off for the night. It’s that easy! It will make it look like you’re home and completely fool any criminals. Not sure you programmed it right? Test it before you leave or keep an eye on things from afar using your
security cameras.

AHA! I see you!

Remember that scene where an ominous music plays as an actor walks up to a door that’s hanging off its hinges and sees that his home has been ransacked and all his valuables are gone? That’s exactly the kind of horror scene you can prevent with a
smart security system
. A basic alarm system, a few surveillance cameras, some detectors and sensors, and you’re good to go. If something happens, you’ll get an alert straight on your phone, wherever you are, thanks to the easy-to-use app. Do you suspect a false alarm? Your cameras are your eyes inside and outside your home. Remember, with the app, you have full control of your system at your fingertips. That means you’ll never come home to any bad surprises. Finally, a happy ending!

Bonus: a bit more money for your holidays

Obviously, insurance companies want their customers to install security systems to prevent break-ins. That’s why most of them offer incentives of up to 20% off their annual premium. That’s a nice amount you could put toward your summer fun. A new bathing suit? A backpack? A decent cooler for your picnics? A Big Mouth Billy Bass singing fish plaque? The world is your oyster. In short, you get a nice little bonus to spend as you please and you get peace of mind knowing that your home and all your valuables are safe.

Outwit any burglars this summer by following these easy steps and equipping your home with a state-of-the-art system like TELUS SmartHome Security. Learn more about our
and our wide range of
smart products
, designed to make your life easier.

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