Save $15 per month when you use promo code SUMMERDEAL at checkout.1
Limited-time offer
Use promo code SUMMERDEAL at checkout1

Enjoy TELUS Internet Plus from $55/month

An image showing a hummingbird beside a TELUS Internet Modem with a roundel "Save $15/mo. with promo code SUMMERDEAL".

TELUS Internet Plus1

Fees apply for early cancellation. On a 2 year term from only

I am a TELUS Mobility or Koodo customer.
Save $10/mo.

TELUS Internet Plus

Unlimited home Internet data

No $60 activation charge and get a $50 bill credit2

Use promo code SUMMERDEAL at checkout1

What's in the plan

TELUS Internet Plus
Up to
Plan Details
Up to 100 Mbps
For your download speed
Unlimited home internet data
Included for 24 months ($20/mo. applies thereafter)
Ideal for 1 to 10 devices
For surfing and streaming
2-year price guarantee
Your price won’t increase during your 2-year term

TELUS Internet Plus1

Fees apply for early cancellation. On a 2 year term from only

I am a TELUS Mobility or Koodo customer.
Save $10/mo.

TELUS Internet Plus

Unlimited home Internet data

No $60 activation charge and get a $50 bill credit2

Use promo code SUMMERDEAL at checkout1

Frequently asked questions

Our commitment

An image showing a money-back guaranteed icon.

30-day money-back guarantee

We want you to be happy. That’s why we offer hassle-free returns within 30 days.3
An image showing a service truck icon.

Flexible internet installation

Our technicians arrive within 2-hour windows. We’ll even call and cancel your current service for you.
An image showing a mobile device with checkmark icon.

My TELUS app

Check your usage, pay your bill, change your plan, monitor all of your TELUS services and more.