Galaxy S21 5GSetting up app privileges

You can set up your child's device to have content restrictions. The restrictions can be on anything from websites to music or podcasts.

You can set up your child's device to have content restrictions. The restrictions can be on anything from websites to music or podcasts.

Steps List - Interactive list of steps. Select a step to read its corresponding text, and to see its Product Image and the Indicators necessary to complete the step.

Current Step: 1 - From the Google Family Link app, tap App limits.
  1. 1 - From the Google Family Link app, tap App limits.
  2. 2 - Select the app that you want to edit the privileges of.
  3. 3 - Select your preferred privilege.
  4. 4 - Tap Done to save your changes.
  5. 5 - You've completed the steps!

Product Image and Indicators - Image of the current step and indicators demonstrating the interactions necessary to complete the step.
