AUGUST 8, 2022

Do you know a young Friendly Future Maker? TELUS launches national awards program for Canadian youth

Nominate an inspiring youth creating positive change in their community for their chance to win 1 of 6 prize packs worth $7,000.

Vancouver, B.C. - TELUS is celebrating youth across Canada by launching the
Friendly Future Makers Awards
, inviting Canadians to nominate the Friendly Future Maker in their life who is creating long-lasting change in their community. Canadians can nominate a Friendly Future Maker aged 13-19 at
. Nominees will be entered to win one of six prize packs worth $7,000, which includes $5,000 for an RESP or to help fund their initiative, a $1,000 TELUS gift card, and a $1,000 donation to the registered charity of their choice. Inspired by TELUS’ long standing promise, Let’s make the future friendly, this nationwide callout continues that momentum and helps empower Canadian youth who are helping make the world a better place. The Friendly Future Makers Awards are open for nominations until September 26, and winners will be announced online October 24. 
“The Friendly Future Makers Awards recognize our young, dedicated leaders who are not only making a meaningful impact today but also helping shape the world we will live in tomorrow,” said Jill Schnarr, Chief Social Innovation and Communication Officer, TELUS. “Friendly Future Makers are transforming their communities and planet for good, creating a positive impact, and ultimately, helping make the future friendly. From giving back to their communities, caring for the health and well-being of our planet, or helping feed those in need, we’re calling on everyone to join us in celebrating the young people making the world a better place.”
As the global leader in social purpose, TELUS is using its technology to address some of today’s most pressing challenges, including building the local health and well-being of communities, bridging digital divides and actively addressing climate change. To continue to drive meaningful, innovative change, one winner will be chosen, by a panel of judges, from each of the TELUS’ social purpose focused categories:
  • Connection Enabler  - helping build human connections through being a mentor or volunteering at a local seniors home
  • Community Builder  - giving back to those who need it most by volunteering in your neighbourhood or through small acts of kindness
  • Health & Wellness Helper  - caring for the mental and/or physical health of your community through care packages or checking in on your neighbors 
  • Hunger Hero - helping to feed communities through neighbourhood gardens or food drives
  • Planet Protector - giving back to protect the planet through picking up litter or recycling
  • Future Friendly Maker -  creating change in your community to make the future friendly, outside of the five categories or across multiple categories.
The Friendly Future Makers Awards are just one of many ways TELUS is continuing to invest in youth. Helping create meaningful change by bridging digital divides, TELUS’ Connecting for Good programs provide subsidized or free Internet and mobility services, helping ensure that youth from care, as well as children from low-income households can stay safely and reliably connected to the people, resources and tools that matter most.
, a free digital literacy program, offers informative workshops and resources helping more than 525,000 Canadians - including youth from across the country - stay safe in our digital world, while
TELUS Friendly Future Foundation
TELUS Community Boards
also fund more than 500 charities annually focused on helping Canadian youth thrive in a digital world.
Since 2000, TELUS has been a global leader in social capitalism, gifitng $1.4 billion, including $900 million in cash, in-kind contributions, time and programs and 1.8 million days of volunteerism, supporting more than 4,000 charities and grassroots community organizations around the world. Each year, TELUS supports more than 4,000 charities and community organizations worldwide.
To learn more about the Friendly Future Makers Awards and to nominate an inspiring youth giving back in your community, visit

For more information, please contact:

Saara Rahikka
TELUS Media Relations
[email protected]