Help youth navigate cyberbullying

Research shows that parents and caregivers are the first place kids turn when faced with cyberbullying. These resources provide the information you need to get involved and make a difference.

Know your social media

Youth are connected on a variety of social platforms. Learn the basics of each platform with our social media guide.

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Slang glossary

Learn what kids are really saying with this glossary of online slang and acronyms.

Download glossary

What to look for

Be vigilant and watch for any indication that your child is being cyberbullied. This guide provides some red flags to look for.

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Your child’s digital footprint

Learn how to educate your child about their online behaviour and the lasting impression it can leave.

Download article

Together we can rise above to #EndBullying

Here are just a few inspiring success stories that show how standing up to cyberbullying is possible.

“She was quiet and didn't want to go to school most days. I thought it would pass, but it didn't. I told her she could talk to me, that I wouldn't be mad, and whatever it was we would fix it.”

David, Father

“I had heard from another parent that their child was being bullied online. I talked to my daughter about it, I wanted to make sure she was treating others with kindness and thinking about how her actions online, and those of others, could impact people.”

Paula, Mother

“An intimate photo of one of my daughter's friends was being shared online. We went to the RCMP and got help dealing with the situation.”

Robyn, Mother

Together we can help youth rise above to #EndBullying

Help your child rise above cyberbullying

To learn more, book a free TELUS Wise workshop for your parent group.

The information provided on is intended as general information only, not as advice. Readers should assess all information in light of their own circumstances and consider all relevant factors.