Weather Stations

Weather is one of your biggest and most unpredictable risks. We’re here to help. Getting accurate weather information can elevate your business decisions, help you plan efficiently, minimize your costs and maximize your profits.
When you know more about what’s happening in your fields and what weather conditions are being forecast, your farming decisions can be more accurate and timely.
Safeguard your production
Our solar-powered weather station gives you sophisticated field monitoring and forecasting
Built on Pessl hardware, the weather station is connected to sensors that capture data like temperature, rainfall, leaf wetness, wind speed and direction as well as optional soil sensors that track soil moisture and salinity
Use your mobile device or desktop to track temperature, precipitation and relative humidity, and monitor your site-specific precision weather forecast
You get local service and support to help you meet your farming and production goals
Optimize your plant protection strategy
Real-time weather data can guide your decisions on when to irrigate and spray
Use predictive analytics to protect your crops and prevent crop disease and pest threats
Use accurate weather data to manage your growing season and support your operation by recalling past weather conditions on a specific date
Help increase the quality of your products by predicting the best times to perform field activities
Help reduce crop risks by monitoring for severe weather conditions
Boost your overall efficiency
Help improve your agronomic decisions based on your unique local data. Public weather information may not reflect what’s really happening on your fields as their data-generating stations may be hundreds of miles away.
Time is always a limiting factor in farming. When you know real-time weather conditions, you can prevent unnecessary trips to your field.
Connect to your station from the comfort of your office or when you’re on the go
Offer is subject to TELUS approval and TELUS’ terms and conditions and to internet availability in your area.