Digital wellness / April 25, 2024

The power of technology on digital wellness

Amanda Lee

Amanda Lee

Senior Program Manager, Tech for Good & TELUS Wise

Person using smartwatch

In an era where technology infiltrates every aspect of our lives, the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between technology and well-being cannot be overstated. Fortunately, fitness apps and smartwatches have emerged as powerful tools that not only promote physical health but also contribute significantly to digital wellness. According to Statista, 28% of internet users in Canada are using a health or fitness mobile app to track their health online or take part in a fitness program.

Benefits of digital wellness apps

These apps empower individuals to take control of their wellness journey, leading to improved overall well-being. Additional benefits include:

  • Convenience and accessibility: One of the primary advantages of wellness apps is their convenience and accessibility. With just a few taps on a smartphone or smartwatch, users can access a wide range of workout routines, nutrition plans, guided meditations and wellness resources anytime, anywhere. The apps eliminate barriers to traditional gym memberships and allow individuals to prioritize their health on their terms.

  • Personalization and goal setting: Fitness apps offer personalized workout plans tailored to individual fitness levels, goals, and preferences. This personalized approach enhances engagement and increases the likelihood of achieving long-term fitness and wellness objectives.

  • Data tracking and analysis: Many fitness apps offer advanced tracking features that monitor various metrics such as steps taken, calories burned, stand hours and sleep patterns. These data insights can help foster self-awareness and empower individuals to make positive lifestyle changes.

  • Community support and motivation: Fitness apps often include social features that allow users to connect with like-minded individuals, share progress, and participate in challenges or virtual workouts. This can be motivating and drive accountability, both crucial factors in sustaining a healthy lifestyle.

  • Mindfulness and stress management: Some fitness apps also offer mindfulness practices, meditation sessions, and stress-relief techniques to promote mental well-being alongside physical fitness. This holistic approach can effectively enhance overall wellness.

But are there privacy concerns with using these apps? Like with most apps, there is a tradeoff between benefit and privacy, and as such, it's crucial to know how to protect your personal information and ensure a secure digital experience. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Review privacy policies: Before using a fitness app or smartwatch, carefully review the privacy policy provided by the developer. Pay attention to how your data will be collected, stored, and shared to understand the level of privacy protection offered.

  • Limit data sharing: Be cautious about granting unnecessary permissions to your personal information. Only provide essential data required for the app's functionality and consider limiting access to sensitive data such as location, contacts, and health information.

  • Be mindful of location sharing: Exercise caution when sharing your location data through fitness apps or smartwatches. Consider disabling location services when not needed and review app settings to control when and how your location is shared.

  • Protect health data: If your fitness app collects health-related data such as heart rate, sleep patterns, or workout history, prioritize the security of this sensitive information. Choose apps from reputable developers with a track record of protecting user health data.

  • Opt-out of data sharing: Check if the app allows you to opt-out of data sharing with third parties or advertisers. Opting out can help protect your information from being used for targeted advertising or other purposes without your consent.

  • Use strong passwords: Secure your accounts with strong, unique passwords to prevent unauthorized access to your fitness app or smartwatch data. Avoid using easily guessable passwords and consider enabling two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security.

  • Enable security features: Activate security features such as passcodes, biometric authentication (e.g., fingerprint or face recognition), and remote locking or wiping capabilities on your smartwatch to protect your device in case of loss or theft.

  • Update regularly: Keep your fitness apps and smartwatch software up to date with the latest security patches and updates. Developers often release updates to address vulnerabilities and enhance privacy protections, so staying current is essential for safeguarding your data.

By following these privacy and safety tips, you can be more confident in your use of fitness apps and smartwatches and reap the benefits they offer.

Safe digital habits
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