Rise above to #EndBullying

Cyberbullying hurts. Over one million kids in Canada have been cyberbullied in the last four weeks. Learn more about our TELUS Wise Digital Pledge to #EndBullying.

#endbullying end bullying

Explore our resources to help you rise above cyberbullying

The impact of cyberbullying

Together we can #EndBullying

Did you know cyberbullying affects one million Canadian kids every month? TELUS is taking action, not only to help kids rise above bullying, but also to put an end to this damaging behaviour.

Together we can #EndBullying

Make a difference when you witness cyberbullying.

Have you seen someone being cyberbullied? Answer these questions to help you decide what to do.

TELUS Wise End Cyberbullying video contest

It’s clear that youth are keen to drive change and put an end to cyberbullying.

Are you being bullied?

Contact Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868 and have a conversation with someone who can help.

TELUS Wise workshops

Book a free workshop to continue the conversation about cyberbullying.

Book a workshop

The information provided on telus.com/wise is intended as general information only, not as advice. Readers should assess all information in light of their own circumstances and consider all relevant factors.