Torill’s Table finds silver lining in the joys of home

Alberta · Jul 21, 2020

Torill Myre of Torill’s Table in Calgary
For years, Torill Myre has brought joy into peoples’ homes with her nutritious Norwegian waffle mixes. COVID-19 has interrupted her business, but it’s also given her more time to enjoy little moments with loved ones – the same kind that inspired her to start her business in the first place. 

“There is always a silver lining in any circumstance, and right now families are slowing down and spending a lot of quality time together.” - Torill Myre, owner of Torill’s Table.

Growing up, Torill was something of a waffle prodigy. 
“I’ve been known for my waffles since I was a teenager,” says the founder of Torill’s Table. “In Norway where I grew up, we would gather around the kitchen table every weekend while waffles were eaten as fast as they came out of the iron.”
When she moved to Canada, Torill wanted to share this tradition with friends and family. “But I could not in good conscience serve my kids white waffles for breakfast. So I hid the good nutrition that I wanted them to eat inside the waffles.” To her surprise, the kids loved them – and so did her friends. It inspired her to launch Torill’s Table, offering a lineup of delicious waffle mixes packed with super ingredients.
In response to COVID-19, Torill has pivoted to serve customers wherever they are these days. “The stores that carry our mix are often low on products,” she explains. “It’s forced us to be creative in how we get in front of consumers.” Reinventing their online sales strategy was crucial since in-store sampling, trade shows and markets are all cancelled for the foreseeable future. They’ve also dropped online shipping rates by 50% and partnered with local businesses for improved home delivery. 
It’s been a long process. But Torill sees the silver lining. 
She’s always found inspiration in the concept of ‘Kos’ – a Norwegian word that translates to “simple moments of joy”. It’s been an especially important concept during the pandemic. The quiet of isolation has given Torill time to slow down and focus on simple actions of self-care, whether that’s going for a walk, doing yoga, or catching up with loved ones on FaceTime. 
“Just giving myself permission to turn work off and have more downtime,” she says. “Every moment you spend with your loved ones is an investment in your relationships for the long haul - no matter how frustrating and exhausting they can be.”
“Remember to pat yourself on the back,” she says. 
Fresh waffles sound like the perfect reward.
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