Empowering you to stay safe in our digital world
From learning how to avoid scams and protect against online fraud to safely using apps, smartphones and social media, TELUS Wise® helps adults of all ages confidently navigate the digital world, ensuring their safety, privacy, and well-being online.

Get helpful tips
Get practical advice on ensuring your online safety, from creating strong passwords to knowing how to spot a scam email to optimizing privacy settings.
Stay safe online
Learn about online safety and security, including protecting personal information, avoiding scams and fraud, and recognizing and reporting online threats.
Complete the TELUS Wise adults workshop
This workshop focuses on topics such as living in a digital society, the Internet, smartphones, and social media safety, empowering you to stay safe in our digital world.
Are you new to using digital technology?
In our TELUS Wise online basics video series, learn everything from connecting to the Internet to keeping your software up to date to video chatting.
Choosing a device, operating system and browser
This video helps you understand the differences between devices, operating systems and browsers.
Choosing a device, operating system and browser
Connecting to the Internet
Using a browser
Finding things online
Search engines and bookmarks
Setting up an email account
Using video chat
Fixing basic online problems
Keeping your devices and accounts safe: PINs and passwords
Keeping your devices safe: Downloading and installing apps
Keeping your devices and accounts safe: Avoiding online scams
Keeping your devices safe: Managing your digital footprint
Keeping your devices safe: Privacy on social networks
Keeping yourself safe: Social media privacy settings
Making good privacy choices
Keeping yourself safe: Fixing privacy problems
Navigating websites
Registering and filling out online forms
Using government services online
Shopping online
Resolving online shopping problems
Download transcripts
We have created several digital literacy and online safety resources in collaboration with our partners to help people of all ages stay safe in the digital world.
Other groups

Parents & caregivers
Learn how to help support and empower youth to navigate the digital world safely.

Bring digital literacy into the classroom. Access resources to help you promote digital citizenship and online safety among students.