(Re)-establishing work culture in your ‘new normal’

Jun 21, 2022

(Re)-establishing work culture in your ‘new normal’

Leaders and workers alike may face challenges in recapturing that feeling of office culture once offices reopen and employees return to the workplace. Whether an employee is returning to the office on a full time or part-time basis, there will be challenges in establishing/re-establishing a collaborative and supportive culture.
With so much uncertainty, it’s important for employees to feel comfortable and connected, no matter where they are located or how dispersed they are from one another. Establishing a ‘new normal’ for how employees and leaders interact with the workspace, and each other, is essential. Optimize workplace attitudes and behaviours by focusing on three key components:
  • Work environments (digital and physical)
  • Events and communications
  • Leaders championing engagement
A newly opened work space

Work environments (digital and physical)

Technology allowed teams to stay connected from their homes throughout the pandemic and technology will continue to be integral for team members to stay connected in hybrid work environments. It’s easy to get caught up in the digital elements of your work environment but with employees returning to work, the physical workspace should not be ignored. Combining technology with the physical elements of your office space is a great way to bridge the gap between the comforts of remote work and returning to the office. Setting up digital kiosks to help navigate floors and buildings, as well as implementing room/desk booking technologies are all options to make entering the office a seamless experience - because after all, getting employees to leave the comfort of their home offices becomes a lot more enticing once the office feels like home too. If your organization intends to have hybrid work arrangements, ensure a balance exists between digital and physical environments.


A healthy work culture provides opportunities for your team to socialize and build relationships. Events are an excellent way to meet new people, network, and decompress from work. Mixers, happy hours, trivia, book clubs, and other events inspire social interaction and, ultimately, create a deeper connection between employees and the organization. Go beyond the work and turn the workplace into more of an all-encompassing experience. Don’t forget to offer these events online whenever possible so that your entire team can be involved. Trivia and happy hours can be done over video chat, regardless if your employees are working from home or in the office.

A bleacher style working environment

Leaders championing engagements

Establishing a work culture begins at the top. If your leaders are setting the standard for interaction within the workspace, it becomes easier for the rest of the team to follow. Leaders can connect with employees on a personal level by providing opportunities to connect where work isn’t discussed; in addition, leaders can also host ‘office hours’ where employees can book time or drop-in (virtually or in-person) and get some one-on-one time to discuss any pressing issues they may have. Leaders can also set an example by how they interact with the workspace. Leaders eating lunch in common dining areas and using the amenities (library spaces, games, etc.) will provide an example that will encourage others to do the same.

Authored by:
Alex Claro
Alex Sequeira Claro
Real Estate Manager, Work Styles

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