TELUS Code of Ethics and Conduct

Grandfather and boy sitting on the couch laughing


The TELUS Code of Ethics and Conduct has been approved by the Board of Directors to assist TELUS team members in maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct in the corporate and professional dealings they have with other team members, clients, shareholders, and the community. The Code provides guidelines, case studies and supportive references (and the company's intranet lists subject matter experts) available to help team members when faced with situations where the right ethical decision is not clear.
Download the entire version of the 
TELUS Code of Ethics and Conduct
TELUS e.Integrity training is annual web-enabled training for all team members to review the current TELUS Code of Ethics and Conduct and affirm that they understand their responsibilities under it.

Making a report

The TELUS EthicsLine provides further support to anyone who has ethical questions/inquiries regarding TELUS. Everyone is invited to use the TELUS EthicsLine to request ethical guidance or make a good-faith report about misconduct or a perceived violation of this Code, another company policy or procedure, a law, questionable business practices, potential fraud or concerns or complaints with respect to any accounting, accounting controls or auditing matter. Reports may be made anonymously.
To make a good faith report about a perceived violation of the TELUS Code of Ethics and Conduct, government law/regulation, questionable business practice, or accounting/auditing matter, please call 1-888-265-4112 (24x7) or visit
 or during business hours, contact the Ethics office directly at 1‑866‑515‑6333.