TELUS anti-bribery and corruption policy
At TELUS, we take pride in being a global leader in ethical business practices. How we work is just as important as what we do. Our goal is to demonstrate the highest level of ethics and integrity in all our dealings with customers and suppliers. This is a corporate priority and a shared responsibility for all TELUS team members as each one of our actions and decisions affect our company and its reputation.
As laid out in the TELUS Code of Ethics & Conduct, team members are expected to act honestly, comply with the laws and regulations governing our business, including anti-bribery and corruption, and demonstrate the highest level of ethics and integrity in all our dealings with customers and suppliers.
The TELUS Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy expands upon the provisions regarding anti-bribery and corruption in the TELUS Code of Ethics & Conduct and reinforces TELUS’ long-standing commitment to integrity in business and its zero tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. It provides additional guidance as to what constitutes bribery and corruption and provides specific examples to help team members identify what actions are to be avoided.
All of TELUS team members are trained on the core obligations under our policy when they are onboarded to TELUS and annually thereafter through our mandatory e-Integrity training. While we operate in a less high-risk industry, we do conduct more in depth targeted training in-person or online for individuals in positions that are at higher risk for bribery and corruption.
Download the entire version of the
TELUS Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
.Making a report
The TELUS EthicsLine provides support to anyone who has ethical questions/inquiries regarding TELUS. Everyone is invited to use the TELUS EthicsLine to request ethical guidance or make a good-faith report about misconduct or a perceived violation of this policy, the TELUS Code of Ethics and Conduct, other company policy or procedure, a law, questionable business practices, potential fraud or concerns or complaints with respect to any accounting, accounting controls or auditing matter. Reports may be made anonymously.
To make a good faith report about misconduct or a perceived violation, please call 1-888-265-4112 (24x7) or visit
or during business hours, contact the Ethics office directly at 1‑866‑515‑6333.