MAY 31, 2019

An unprecedented donation from TELUS for children’s health in Rimouski: $400,000 for the Fondation du Centre hospitalier régional de Rimouski

For each new SmartHome Security subscription, TELUS will donate $100 to improve care for young people in Eastern Quebec
Rimouski, Quebec – Today, the Fondation du Centre hospitalier régional de Rimouski announced a $400,000 donation from TELUS to its Major Gift Campaign. For TELUS, this is unprecedented financial support in Eastern Quebec that will be devoted entirely to children’s health projects. This fruitful new partnership will offer young people, from newborns to teenagers, adapted and technologically advanced healthcare.
“We’re very grateful for the major support TELUS is offering, which will contribute to prevention and improving children’s health as well as furthering our mission to make a real difference. The Foundation is unanimous about the importance of investments in services and care for children and their families. Children are our future. So, each dollar invested will have a lasting impact on our local community,” said François Séguin, President of the Board of Directors of the Fondation du Centre hospitalier régional de Rimouski.
“Young people and health are top priorities for TELUS and its Friendly Future Foundation,” said Marie-Christine D’Amours, TELUS Vice President, Consumer and Small Business Solutions and Customer Experience in Quebec. “For more than 10 years, our TELUS Health division has been committed to placing innovation at the service of families so they can live happily and healthily for years to come. Through technology, we make it easier for parents to monitor their newborns, we offer outlying communities remote access to health professionals, and we provide connected devices at home for real-time monitoring of people of all ages. Today, we are pleased to combine our technical expertise with the Foundation’s commitment to improve local health. By contributing to the quality of life of our younger generation, we are investing for a better future.”
A portion of the $400,000 TELUS donation will support the Fonds Anne Lévesque, an innovative project that supports low-cost lodging for parents from outside Rimouski who have a newborn in the hospital. This initiative aligned with TELUS’ commitment to support new parents, as seen through our launch of the
TELUS Baby Health
mobile application, which documents key stages in infant development and offers essential and relevant educational resources. Over the next four years, pediatric projects supported by TELUS will be identified according to the priorities of the Foundation and the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) du Bas-Saint-Laurent.
“The premature birth of our son, Ludovick, at 33 weeks, and his hospitalization were worry-filled times,” said his mother, Marie-Eve Ross. “The Fonds Anne Lévesque project was invaluable, making it possible me for us to stay close to our baby without having to think about lodging or travel logistics. It supported our bonding and Ludovick’s healthy development during this time of doubt and uncertainty. Today, he’s in good health, and we’re eternally grateful for the help we received from the Foundation and donors like TELUS.”
A TELUS campaign for children’s health
Effective immediately, TELUS will give $100 to the Fondation du Centre hospitalier régional de Rimouski for every new
SmartHome Security
subscription. This new user-friendly solution offers a wide range of connected devices as well as security and health technologies so families can stay in full control of their home and health, even when they are away.
The $400,000 donation from TELUS will also include corporate donations from TELUS and TELUS Health, funding from the TELUS Friendly Future Foundation, as well as company-matched donations from TELUS team members and retirees. With this new financial commitment, TELUS will have given nearly $650,000 to the Fondation du Centre hospitalier régional de Rimouski since 2001, including support for a project to screen for fetal heart abnormalities and to acquire infant apnea monitors.
A historic campaign
Although the major gift campaign of the Fondation du Centre hospitalier régional de Rimouski is well underway, solicitation efforts are not slowing down: “We are very grateful for the engagement of the whole community: small and large companies, retirees and professionals. With this campaign, every local stakeholder is working together towards one common goal: the health of our community. The generosity of the whole population is crucial,” says Louis Khalil, President of the Major Gift Campaign.
On September 12 last year, the Foundation launched its Major Gift Campaign to raise $5 million. Projects targeted by the campaign will refurbish the Recovery Room of the Hôpital régional de Rimouski, strengthen oncology services and support parents of premature or sick newborns by offering lower-cost lodging. The importance of an active lifestyle and healthy diet will also be promoted to facility users through innovative projects, including acquiring heated meal carts for use by all patients.
TELUS (TSX: T, NYSE: TU) is one of Canada’s largest telecommunications companies, with $14.5 billion of annual revenue and 14.0 million subscriber connections, including 9.7 million wireless subscribers, 1.9 million Internet subscribers, 1.2 million residential voice and 1.1 million TELUS TV customers. TELUS provides a wide range of communications products and services, including wireless, data, Internet protocol (IP), voice, television, entertainment, video and home and business security. TELUS is also Canada's largest healthcare IT provider, and TELUS International delivers business process solutions around the globe.
In support of our philosophy to give where we live, TELUS, our team members and retirees have contributed over $690 million to charitable and not-for-profit organizations and volunteered more than 1.3 million days of service to local communities since 2000. Created in 2005 by President and CEO Darren Entwistle, TELUS’ 13 Canadian community boards and five International boards have led the Company’s support of grassroots charities and have contributed $72 million in support of 7,000 local charitable projects, enriching the lives of more than 2 million children and youth, annually. TELUS was honoured to be named the most outstanding philanthropic corporation globally for 2010 by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, becoming the first Canadian company to receive this prestigious international recognition.
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For further information, please contact:
Jacinthe Beaulieu
TELUS Media Relations