Technology Solutions
We’re into seeing where technology can take us, so if you have ever imagined what the future of supply chain management, cybersecurity, the cloud and Internet of Things will look like, we want you to be part of the team that makes it happen.

Great minds
That’s us – we are the big brain team responsible for building and delivering those technologies that were once relegated to realm of science fiction. And we could always use another big brain and great mind. So, if you are an engineer or a programmer or one of those hundreds of super-smart problem solvers out there who understand what a marriage between technology and brain power can produce, join us. We’re in the process of defining the future, and we think you’d be a great fit.
What you can expect from TELUS
Bring us your ideas (dream big)
Our endgame is to bring the best, most innovative solutions to Canadians and that isn’t something that can be done alone. It takes a tremendous amount of brain power to define the future and we all work together to make it happen. Sure, we are a bunch of great minds, but we certainly don’t all think alike. That’s one of the great things about our team – diversity. We encourage every person to share their ideas, speak up, and dream big. Bring us your ideas, and we’ll offer you a team committed to incubating them, nurturing them, and turning them into solutions that are redefining what technology can do for Canadians.

Bringing innovation to life
Our team members get the best of both worlds; the flexibility to develop skills and expertise across different teams and technologies, and the agility and speed to bring innovation to life. You invest in us and we’ll invest in you. As a team that works with technology, we understand the value of potential, and we are 100% behind you to make sure you achieve yours. We have programs and learning opportunities available to help get you what you need to succeed so that our entire team can continue to bring innovation to Canadians. Our Graduate Engineering Leadership Program is a specialized growth platform for high achieving recent graduates in engineering or computer science who want to grow into professional roles and further develop their technical knowledge and skills.
Supporting mobile team collaboration
You know what technology can do – how it can make your life better. We know that the technology we create and support is making things a lot easier for our customers, and we want to make sure it helps you, too. We believe in balance and we also know our technology can help you achieve it. We encourage mobile work – from anywhere you can find WiFi – just as much as we encourage teamwork. We’ll keep you connected: to our customers, to your coworkers and to the rest of your life.

Be part of the revolution
Imagine a world with no WiFi, no smartphones, no ubiquitous access to your money, your information, your friends and your life. Although, we can’t take credit for those technological innovations, we are part of the revolution that introduced them to the world, and this next wave is going to take interconnectedness to a whole new level. We are pushing boundaries and ready to boldly go where no one has gone before. If this sounds like something you’d like to be part of, then consider joining our team. We are changing the world, one innovation at a time and we’d love to have you on board.
Design and implement technologies to make our customers’ lives easier
TELUS’s fastest network. 5G enables a superior experience with fast downloads and richer multimedia applications.
Innovation centres across Canada that bring our team members together with customers, partners, start ups, universities, hospitals and fellow colleagues to tackle some of the biggest technological hurdles Canada will face in the near future.
Million active users logging into My TELUS per month (consumer mobility).
“I am humbled daily by the talent, professionalism, and forward thinking of my peers. It gets me out of bed knowing I will get to collaborate on compelling and challenging problems, using new technology and novel approaches.”
Troy Bryant
“The work environment at TELUS Digital is awesome. It is an awesome team to be a part of, and working with people who are tech savvy as well as people who foster good team dynamics is part of what I love about my job.”
Mike Bunce
Web Developer
“I’m a new member of the community of TELUS team members who is excited by this company’s engaging and community-oriented corporate culture and strong support for work-life balance. We work hard but maintain our focus on those around us, both in our immediate community and amongst those who we serve.”
Colleen Louw
Sr Strategy Manager