Paying taxes can be easier without cheques, forms or stamps.
Other · Oct 23, 2018
“In 2017, Payments Canada cleared and settled transactions totalling $50.45 trillion, averaging $199.39 billion each business day.”
– Payments Canada Annual Report 2017
– Payments Canada Annual Report 2017
The Canadian economy is digital, with billions of dollars exchanged electronically every day. From paying employees and suppliers to ordering inventory, electronic payments are quickly becoming the backbone of commerce for large and small businesses alike.
The speed, convenience and accuracy of electronic payments has also made its mark on tax services.
The power of the internet has come to the world of taxes
There’s no doubt about it – paying taxes is part of doing business. But gone are the days of writing-out and mailing-in cheques or spending time waiting in line at the bank branch. Today’s advanced, user-friendly online tax services make it faster, easier and more convenient for businesses of any size to pay more than 60 federal and provincial corporate taxes – all through the website of your trusted financial institution.
You can save money & keep control
Put your pencil down and start experiencing the benefits of online tax payments:
- Eliminate costs associated with writing cheques – as much as $17 per cheque according toindustry studies by Berkeley Payments
- Issue payments from the office or from home – no need to go to bank branch; you decide when to pay with the click of the mouse
- Manage cash flow: set-up pre-authorized payments to avoid late fees
- Save time by eliminating potential postal delays
- Gain real-time knowledge of filing status – no more guessing about whether your funds have been received
- Lower paper consumption and storage requirements
Contact your financial institution today or visit the Canada Revenue Agency for a list and links to
participating financial institutions
.Authored by:

TELUS Financial Solutions